Understanding Your Contact Engagement Colors

Let's dive into contact engagement and discuss what is making everyone certain colors.

Contact Colors

Blue = anyone who has not been invited or has no activity on any active courses or requirements.

Gray = anyone who was previously assigned a course or requirement and is no longer assigned any active course or requirement in the last 90 days.

Yellow = if they have a yellow course or requirement and no red or orange. 

Orange = if they have an orange course or requirement and no red.

Red = if they have a red course or requirement.

Green = anyone who does not meet any of the above. 


Course Colors

Blue = Any course not started but assigned less than 7 days ago.

Gray = Any course that is optional or no longer active.

Red = Any course that has not started and was assigned more than 7 days ago.

Orange = Any course that was not finished and is past the due date.

Yellow = Any completed course with a score less than 80%.

Green = Any completed course with a score of 80% or above, any completed course with no score (no test).


Requirement Colors

Blue = any requirements that have not been started and are not yet due.

Gray = Any requirement is optional or not active.

Red = Any requirement that is not completed and past the due date.

Orange = Any expired requirement.

Yellow = Any requirement expiring in the next 30 days.

Green = Any completed requirements that have not expired.