Glossary Of Ving Terms

Check out all the terms we use in Ving in one place.

Active - These are vings that are active and can be shared/seen by your contacts.

Activity - Activity is any new interactions on your vings!

Archive - Archived vings can be found under the Archive filter. These vings are no longer able to be see by your contacts.

Audio  - Ah music to our ears...or any type of recording! Audio is content that you have either recorded directly in ving or uploaded from your computer.

Completed (Checkmark) - This means someone has interacted with 100% of your ving and achieved total engagement! This will be displayed by a checkmark on your analytics.

Contact Book - This is where your contacts live in ving! Email addresses, names, and more are all found here.

Contacts -  Contacts are created when you send invitations, manually add, or import people within ving. You can manage individuals or groups that you wish to add to your contact book under the dropdown of Contacts.

Copy - Create a clone of your ving at the click of a button. Copying will duplicate all of the ving components into a new ving for you and allows you to collect new data.

Customize - From the profile drop-down menu, you are able to upload a custom logo to your account in order to give your vings a personalized touch. If you do not see a logo section please contact to make you an admin for your organization.

Dashboard - This is where the ving magic happens! Your ving dashboard is the quick and easy, high level, way to see how your viewers are engaging with the content that has been shared with them.

Export - This allows you to export the analytics data from your ving into a CSV file. Anything you see in the viewer panel will be included in your export.

File - A file can be any type of document that you upload into a file component such as a spreadsheet, excel file, PDF, word doc, etc.

Help and Support - You can find Help and Support next to your profile drop-down. Simply click the question mark for 24/7 access to our help center.

Image - Most common image types are accepted in ving such as .jpeg and .png.

Inbox - This is where any vings that you've been invited to consume will live. From your inbox you can view any personal messages that were included with the invitation for that ving, along with your progress of completion for each ving that has been shared with you.

Invitation - A way to share a ving with your contacts without ever leaving the tool! Invitations are sent via email, and can include a personalized message.

Invited Date - The date that your viewer was invited or reminded to view this ving. 

Link - This is a type of component that allows you to add a hyperlink to your ving. Link to a website, YouTube, or even another ving — the possibilities are endless.

Notify - When the “notify me” setting is applied to a ving, you’ll get an email to let you know there’s new activity on your ving.

Personal Message - Personalize your invitations with an optional message. This personalized touch can help increase your open rates.

Preview - This allows you to see your ving as a viewer would, prior to sending it. Make sure it looks perfect, just like you!

Profile - Where you can manage account settings such as your first and last name, customize your avatar/logo, and change your password.

Question Set - A type of component that allows you to gather feedback. Question types that you may include in your question set:

  • Yes/No
  • True/False
  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple responses
  • Likert Scale
  • Short Answer

Share - The process of getting your ving to people! You’ll see the blue share button on your dashboard gives you two options: invite or get link.

Short URL Link - Each ving comes with a unique short URL link that can be used to share your ving. You can copy and paste the link to a ving anywhere* on the web that a link can be shared, such as social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) text messages, company portals, Google Classroom, or embedded in an email.

*Keep in mind your view access settings. Do not link share an invited ving through a link unless you have already invited that person to view the ving via email.

Video - A type of component that you can include in your Vings. Most common video formats are accepted such as .mov, .mp4, and .wmv. Videos can be uploaded locally from your device or from Google Drive.

View Access Settings - Control over who can access your ving. You can choose from 3 settings:

  • Anyone
  • Verified
  • Invited

Views - Reflects the number of views on your ving, or how many times your ving has been opened.

Ving - Is a digital packet that is created in the tool Ving. A ving can include many types of files (video, audio, question sets, images, files). Vings can be viewed on any device and provide tracking to the person who created the ving. The creator can easily see overall and file interactions. These digital packets of information are reusable as templates, can be deactivated on demand, and are automatically tracked and analyzed in the dashboard.