How To: Schedule Year Over Year Training

Step 1
Label Your Vings
You will first want to give the vings you sent in 2021 the label "2021".

Extra Tip: If you usually look at the analytics monthly or quarterly, you can also give your Vings the label "Jan" or "Q1". 

Step 2
Make A Copy Of Your Vings
Next, you will want to create a copy of the Vings you will send this year and give them a 2022 label. 

Quick Note: When a veteran employee goes to watch a ving they have already done (even if it is a copy or revision), they will only be required to complete the tests. They will be able to review the non-test components if they would like.

Tip: If you would like to require your employees to redo any component (video, pdf, etc), you can do so by changing the name of the component you want them to redo. For example, if you had a video called Intro to Ladders and want them to be required to watch it again, you could call this year Intro to Ladders - 2024.

Step 3
Archive All Vings With 2021 Label
Finally, you will want to archive your content from last year so that your employees are focused on the current and updated content. All archived material can be found in your archived folder.