How To: Export Data About Your Contacts

Step 1: Click the contact icon in the top navigation. 

homepage - contact icon circled

Step 2: Select the contacts you would like to export data on. 

contact homepage - contacts selected circled

To make more of your export, don't forget you can use the labels, sorts, or filters to get to the contacts you want quicker and the Select All button in the green taskbar.


Step 3: Click the export button in the green taskbar. 

contact home page - export button circled

Step 4: Select what you want to export (assignments, submissions, requirements).

contact export - export type circled

Steph 5: Next, select the date range you would like to export and click Generate Report.

contact export - date range circled

Your report will be emailed to you and then you can open it in your favorite spreadsheet tool. The export is formatted to show you the most important columns first. And for you serious data buffs, who want even more detail, you will notice there are extra columns that you may "un-hide"  should you need it!


Viewing times are all rounded up to the nearest 0 or 5 minutes.