Why Does It Say "0" Invites On My Dashboard After I Revised My Ving?

This is a great question! Revising a ving allows you to change anything about your ving, and at any time. Once you revise a ving....

  • Your old ving will be marked inactive.
  • The old, inactive version will be moved to the archive folder.
  • Any invitations previously sent or links previously posted (for the original ving or other revisions) will redirect to the newest version of your Ving.

This is great because you do not need to notify anyone that there was a revision made!


If you sent invitations on a previous revision, they will appear on the analytics for that particular revision. 


You can see analytics for a previous version by clicking on the history icon on the dashboard. Select a revision to view the analytics for it. You will see a list of who you have invited to view that version and who has consumed that version, as well.